Monday, December 2, 2019

When your relationship has met it's breaking point and you feel all alone and no one or any where to turn to. Well, I have an answer for your relationship problems and it's called rebuilding that team relationship, that you once used to have or building a new one. Together we can get you back on track. Keep in mind... it's going to take some real consistant commitment and time from you.
Or if your a single person, and feel all alone, or feeling lonely and desire a companion or a relationship, that no matter what you do, you just can't seem to find it. Well, I have an answer for you as well and it's called building friendships first with that desired companion or relationship, and building up for that desired outcome. Together we can get you back on track. Keep in mind... it's going to take some real consistant commitment and time from you. All you have to do is start using my services, Today! Don't miss out on your chance, to have the relationship that you desire.
Call Now!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hi! My name is (Ann) Anita Wozniak, I am a Life & Relationship Coach and I am accepting new clients. I have a variety of certifications in different fields of work and gaining more. My mission is to help all my clients to achieve their goals in building a successful relationship and to continue having amazing relationships. What will be involved in achieving good relationships is:
goal setting, practice positive communication, trust building, building honesty, worksheets, online video chats, short and long term goal building, finding solutions, positive problem solving, exploring your desired outcomes, building a foundation for your relationship needs, and more. I work with Singles, Matchmaking, Couples, Marriages, and Families, etc.
Relationship quote: Don't Give Up, There Is Always Hope!

*If you are interested in obtaining services from me. Feel free to request a free consultation, Today!
I look forward to scheduling your first appointment and answer any questions you have about my services. 
Now Accepting New Clients!

Available: Monday - Friday, from 9am. - 6pm., Some Saturdays, From 9am. - 2pm.

A B Relationships
Contact: Ann Wozniak
*Main # 1-616-805-8815
Alternative # 1-616-780-8263
*Feel free to email me at:
You can also catch me on: Skype, Linkedin, and Facebook/messenger!